Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Seventeen

2 years ago

March 2, 2022

Note: Click the links below for downloadable PDF files for you to read along.

Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:

Scriptures for reading:


The 15th day of Abib
The 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, a Sabbath

* Beware the intelligence trap!

* The chief priests and Pharisees might have scoffed at the disciples if they found out the disciples did not understand what Jesus meant by "rise from the dead".

* ... but God was with the disciples, and that is all that matters.

The 16th day of Abib
The 2nd Day of Unleavened Bread

* At evening, that day ended, and the weekly Sabbath began.

* And when evening came, Jesus had been in the tomb for two nights and two days.

The 17th day of Abib
The 3rd Day of Unleavened Bread

* That Sabbath passed without incident.

* At evening, that Sabbath day ended, and the first day of the week began.

* And Jesus has now been in the tomb for three nights and three days, just as he said (Mat. 12:40)

The 18th day of Abib
The 4th Day of Unleavened Bread

* Without more information, the order of events on the morning of Jesus' resurrection cannot be known for certain.

* ... In Mark 15:4, we are not wold how long the stone had been rolled away --- not for Jesus to be able to come out, but for humans to be able to go in and see that he is not there.

* Nothing is said of the huge amount of perfumes, oils, and spices that had been used to wrap Jesus' body.

* Nor is anything said about how he looked, physically. His body had been horrible beaten and torn when he was buried.

* Nor is anything said about where he got clothes. The Roman soldiers had stolen his clothes, and so (unless Joseph dressed Jesus' dead body), Jesus was buried naked.

* It is THE revelation of the New Testament that God really was a Father and that His Son was revealed in Jesus.

* ... that is why no one can truly know God without knowing His Son.

* It is a dangerous thing to believe just some of what God says.

* Jesus' disciples, and all Israel, believed the prophecies about the Messiah's power and glory, but they did not believe any of the prophecies about his suffering and death.

* Jesus did not begin his ministry in Jerusalem. He ended it there.

* The remission of sins comes with the baptism of the holy Ghost, and that message had to start in Jerusalem.

* Peter was the first man on earth to preach remission of sins, and he did it in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.

* ... the prophets never preached it; John the Baptist couldn't preach it; Jesus couldn't preach it. But Peter did (Acts 2:38, 10:43-44).

The Book of Acts
Acts 2

1. When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord, in one place.
2. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3. And there appeared to them divided tongues like fire, and it sat upon each one of them,
4. and they were all filled with holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit moved them to speak.

* With that, Jesus completed his mission to make god's kind of life available to man.

* Jesus lives. That is the message of the gospel, and God proves the gospel of His son is true every time He baptizes someone with His Spirit.

== Pastor John's study of Matthew and the four gospels combined is now complete ==

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