CBS News Reporter Needs Explanation Why WW3 With Russia Would Be Bad

2 years ago

CBS News reporter Steven Portnoy asks Jen Psaki whether the atrocities committed by Russia in Bucha, Ukraine should trigger a global military response in kind. Psaki attempts to clarify what Portnoy is implying, which would basically amount to starting World War 3. @CBS News

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Zelensky was speaking from the UN yesterday if you've been watching the news at all and even if you are someone who I think is properly skeptical about information that you get during wartime and even if you are someone who also like me can't help but look at these images and wonder what if there had been this type of reporting in Fallujah? Or uh other places in Iraq? or currently in Yemen. but but but specifically when you look at you hear the stories of Russian soldiers busting down doors I don't know . I've never heard of stories where- well that's not true I've never let me put it this way I've heard of stories of u.s military personnel in Iraq killing prisoners killing civilians, want and shooting, but I have not heard of the US government and the media so aggressively saying like well these are obviously these victims are obviously crisis actors...

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