Billie Beene E312 41322 1/2 US Gen Loc'd/2/2 US Gen- Exchg! Iodine!

2 years ago

Billie Beene E312 41322 1/2 US Gen Loc'd/2/2 US Gen- Exchg! Iodine!

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. Billie is bringing more updates on all that is going on in Ukraine.
2. It is being reported that the Azov Ukrainian militia is holding hostage NATO commanders.
3. Russia is in the process of doing mop-up work in Ukraine.
4. It is being reported that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is using CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) to do reporting from his multi-million dollar home in Florida.
5. Billie is reporting that in some areas in Ukraine that there are staged events by the shadow Ukrainian government to deceive the world looking on what is happening in Ukraine. I have verified this information from different Telegram Messenger channels I have joined.
6. Israeli News Live reported a few weeks about about an object being exploded in New York City. This explosion was scheduled to happen on April 18th. More intel is coming out that there are multiple situations going on that are all tied to April 18th. Billie provides a little more details about these objects in this report. Four of these objects that were stolen from a sunken Russian submarine, Nukes, were taken in the year 2000. Billie gives us information on how the first of these objects was used and that the second object that was planned to be used on New York City was taken out by the White Hats.
7. Billie is talking about Ark Ships in different places and one of them being in Antarctica and another one in Ukraine. She provides some information about both of these Ark Ships.
8. There are currently 210 nations that are now on the gold backed currency system and they are also on the QFS system.
9. Billie is reporting that different sources have and still are reporting that there is a food shortage. She is reporting that there is no actual food shortages but rather there are shelf shortages of certain items in grocery stores that have poisons in them. Those items are in the process of being removed.
10. Billie mentions briefly about a Black Swan event coming.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Clif High, Gene Decode , Israeli News Live-Steven Ben-Nun, Dr Wm Mount, Gonzalo Lira, Suspicious Observer, Simon Parkes
yt Israeli News Live
yt Dr Wm Mount
yt Sal M
Awakening Cosmic Reality - Elena Kulpulnik
yt Meghan Rose
yt Regis Tremblay int Dr V Kousin
yt Alexander Mercouris
yt Alex Christofouou
Beforeitsnews-Gonzalo Lira int Scott Ridder
yt Elena Danaan
Beforeitsnews ShariRaye
Beforeitsnews- New Benjamin Fulford
Beforeitsnews - Judy Byington

Contact and Support:
Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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