22. Re-shape text - Re-shape text in creative ways using outlines and the Direct Selection tool.

2 years ago

22. Re-shape text - What you learned: Re-shape text

WHAT YOU'LL NEED - Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 6.7 MB) Get Files - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QW4Lq_dMvsRXZmzDE_gzVqff0NID55TD/view?usp=sharing

Select the Selection tool and click to select a text object.

Choose Type - Create Outlines to convert the text to editable paths.
Click the Ungroup button in the Properties panel to be able to move the letters independently.

With the Selection tool, drag each letter separately.

Select the Direct Selection tool and drag across part of a letter to select anchor points.

Drag one of the selected anchor points to move all selected anchor points and re-shape a letter.

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