Free-Energy-Water-Pump-Siphon-Water-Pump function principle

3 years ago

Free-Energy-Water-Pump-Siphon-Water-Pump function principle

During the last months I have seen many new #freeenergy #waterpump videos from
Vietnam and Thailand, where some farmers have watered their crops and fields with some kind of #Syphon #water-pump , which they call "Free Energy Water Pump"
There the water is sucked into a water barrel through the vaccuum effect, that the flowing water on the output outlet is producing..
Here are some examples.


the last channel even sells a construction service to build up these pumps for farmers who want to have also such no electricity water pumps.

There you can see, that the Syphon Effect even seems to work, when the outlet level is located higher in height, than the input inlet...
hmm..this is pretty intrigueing, cause then it is possible to have a perpetual pump running, which always pumps water in a closed system...

Some farmers claim, it depends on the ratio of the output pipe diameter x water volume devided by the input pipe diameter x water volume.
This ratio must be big, to get it to work.

So I tried it now in my video with my plastic Walter Kanister from my Camping place...
but this did not work out... Probably my water output to input ratio was not right and always air came from the outlet valve back into the the cannister, so it broke the vacuum that was created at the top, so it stopped sucking the water in through the small plastic hose...

If you get it to work yourself, please post a comment yourself, how you did set it up and describe the right ratios of water volumes and length and thickness of the pipes.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.

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