21. Place text on or inside a path - Discover how to add text along a path.

2 years ago

21. Place text on or inside a path - What you learned: Place text along a path

WHAT YOU'LL NEED - Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 6.7 MB) Get Files - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QW4Lq_dMvsRXZmzDE_gzVqff0NID55TD/view?usp=sharing

With the Type tool selected, press Alt [Windows] or Option [macOS] and click the edge of a path to add text.

Drag across the text to select it. In the Properties panel to the right of the document, change text formatting options like fill color, font, and font size.

Select the Selection tool and move the pointer off a corner of the text object and drag to rotate.

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