Dr. Bryan Ardis - Death by Remdesivir: The Illusion Lynchpin of Covid Risk

2 years ago

An excellent report from Dr. Ardis re: the cynical and evil Fauxchi's only CDC approved therapuetic prescription for the bio-weapon SARS/Covid 2.0 i n hospital.
His new posit that Covid is not a virus but a venom sounds outlandish but I am thinking he has nailed the source of the weapon. He gets it right on intent and incentives to hospitals to code and follow protocol. In his latest Stew Peters interview on the snake venom component, he mentions Remdesivir is now protocol for all infants above 7 lbs as take home med if
'diagnosed with covid™ via PCR test the inventor Kary Mullis (conveniently deceased in AUG 2019) who despised evil lawn gnome toady narcissicist FAuci was doing with AZT and AIDs. Out of the way now we have VAIDS and exploding aggressive cancers since the vaxxxes came out,
Ardis stresses NAC - Amazon did stop selling it in early 2021. Fact. Buy it elsewhere, it is important , it helps the body make Glutathione. Lysine, Berberine, Artemisia Annua (Sweet wormwood), Charcoal, Sumarin from Pine Tea, Milk thistle, Look up graphene-info and Azo,
I think Ardis' advice on Zinc - it's too high, read how copper and iron work with zinc to not get too much, for it can WEAKEN the immune system.
Get a Blood test for d-dimer if 'vaxxxed' , and your vitamin d level - most are low in the uSA™ according to arch criminal Dr. Mercola 90% of America is.
Sunlight on skin is best. Take 10,000 ius for a month if you get little sunshine, back off to 5000ius and have your D level measured.

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