Top 17 Anime/Manga like Naruto Series |

3 years ago

#Naruto is not just an #anime, it’s an emotion for many. Many of us have grown up with Naruto and for many of us, it is our first anime. Many love it, many hate it but you just can’t ignore it. Naruto is among the ‘Big 3’ of its generation and also among one of the longest-running animes. Many shows have gone and come but none had the impact and relevance as Naruto. Once you get involved with Naruto, you can’t leave it. It has everything, from romance to fights, from drama to melodrama, from hilarious episodes to the most emotional ones. One thing that is given most importance in Naruto is FRIENDSHIP.

After watching Naruto and being on a journey with him for so long, you must be feeling a void inside you, so I have brought to you a list of animes that can help you fill that void and get the same feeling you got while watching Naruto. Some of the animes you might love more than Naruto, some you may not, but every anime mentioned is worth a watch. #animeindia

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