Clark County Republican Party steal of Chairman Election with the use of Las Vegas Police Department

3 years ago

On Tuesday, July 20, 2021 showdown between Republicans...

Clark County Republican Steal at Spring Valley High
LVMPD at the Clark County Republican Party Election

Motion to Reconvene the July 20, 2021, CCRCC Meeting

We, the undersigned members of the Clark County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) who each attended and were credentialed at the Tuesday, July 20, 2021, Regular Meeting hereby move, second, and unanimously affirm a motion to reconvene July 20, 2021, Regular Meeting of the CCRCC at a date, time and location certain as follows.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 7:00PM PDT
Doors Open for re-credentialing at 6:00PM PDT.

Ahern Hotel
300 W Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Mr. Don Ahern has graciously offered to provide us a venue that will be large enough for both members and guests to comfortably attend in accordance with our Standing Rules, which call for all meetings to be open to the public. All members will need to obtain a new copy of their credentials for the meeting in order to participate, so please arrive early.

After consulting a Certified Professional Parliamentarian recognized by the American Institute of Parliamentarians and recommended by the RNC, it has been determined that the term of office for all of the former CCRCC officers has now expired per Section 4.2 of the CCRCC Bylaws. As a result, it falls to us, the members of the Central Committee, to reconvene our recessed meeting that was started July 20 and complete the elections for all vacant offices and other necessary business. The first order of business upon reconvening will be to elect a temporary Chairman to officiate the meeting and facilitate the completion of the remainder of the business on the agenda, including the election of all officer positions.

Please refer to the original Call to Meeting email for copies of the Agenda and resolutions up for consideration.

We look forward to concluding the meeting in the fairest, transparent, and efficient manner possible. Thank you for your support!

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