Arthur looking the best his best. I'm expecting him to be nice and round for Spring.

3 years ago

Arthur is getting adlib hay - a mixture of Lucerne (aflalfa) and Oaten hay bales.
The following feed is shared among three horses. All getting on in years and all needing that extra to get through winter. Plus Arthur is still needing to put on weight.
He gets adlib crushed oats, which he manages well and I will mix in Lucerne chaff with that when they have no Lucerne hay. They go through a bag of full fat soy bean meal per week and I add oil to their oats when I have run out of full fat sot bean meal.
They eat approximately one bag of crushed oats per day.
I expect Arthur to be nice and round come Spring.

He's stopped having scours after many months and I cleaned up his poopy tail and legs. If he has too much lucerne he tends to scour.

I love how Cleo stomps her foot in this. After we took this she kept telling Arthur to go away. She cracks me up.

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