Interview with Rob Mokaraka on his story of Mental Health recovery

2 years ago

Rob Mokaraka's life is an incredible and inspiring story of recovery and rejuvenation from the depths of deep depression and extreme suicidal thoughts, all of which culminated in him calling the Police upon himself! He was in deep pain within himself but did not know how to express it.
Rob is now using his past experiences to try to help other Kiwis nationwide who may be sharing the same down feelings. As a highly acclaimed actor, he tells his own story in his own production and workshop

“Shot Bro: Confessions of A Depressed Bullet”.

He welcomes all to come to watch him and to meet him. He simply wants everybody to work together for the betterment of our society as Kiwis.
You can find out more information and upcoming dates here:

If you are able to support Rob in his efforts to help fellow Kiwis with his show, please consider donating to:
Name: Toi Turama Wellbeing
Bank Account: 38-9015-0860549-01

Rob is not funded by any govt agencies and he goes where the communities and organisations are willing to collaborate with him to help save a life.


Rob's documentary:

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