How To Deal with Difficult People

3 years ago

This Week’s Episode-How to Deal with Difficult People
How do you deal with difficult people? You know who I mean? I bet you're thinking of that difficult person, right now 😊

Difficult people can show up both in our personal and professional life. Yet, most people have never learned to navigate the choppy waters of difficult relationships.

Here are some of my favourite difficult people from my Master the Art of the Meeting program.

Perhaps you know a Sidetrack Sally. Sally loves to talk about any topic except the one that you brought up. Sally can take your conversation in an entirely new direction, and you will never get back to the reason you wanted to talk to Sally in the first place. It seems like Sally has no interest in anything you want to say, and no matter how hard you try to bring the conversation back to you in never happens.

Maybe you have interacted with Bossy Bruce, every time you start to talk Bruce jumps in and starts throwing his weight around and only wants to talk about what he thinks is important.

Doesn’t deliver Don is always making promises to you that he never seems to keep or even remember.

Pulled straight from my client reviews, this week I will share my top 3 client favourite strategies to transform your difficult relationships.

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