Psychopathic Identity Grifting: moralistic gaslighting: South Africa case study: Target the Cause

2 years ago

Psychopathic Identity Grifting: Bad morality testing, moralistic gaslighting: South Africa case study

Trying to summarize a diagnostic of the corruption of the Academy:

Feminist and intersectional ideology, is political indoctrination, masquerading as an academic subject, that instead of being founded in rigorous or principled thinking, uses political narrative's to corrosively take over displace any principled or values-based edifices, used to undergird any and all departments aswell as Academic subjects.. without taking steps to bar and remove this dogma from each and every Academic department, aswell as removing the department of Race and Gender studies in its entirety, there will be no institutional respect that remains for basic distinctions that are needed to conduct sound or coherent moral inquiry or contemplation: drowned out by a political agenda that has disguised itself as an intellectual school of thought. For higher education to survive in its classically liberal form, feminist and intersectional ideology must be institutionally suppressed, from all Academic syllabi, as a matter of policy, for the good health and maintenance of rigorous standard, vital for the respect of fundamental distinctions, needed for thinking from first principles. ie. the designation of a particular identity category, cannot be used as the definition of disadvantage, without a deductive argument or proof, an inductive argument and shifting the onus of proof to prove a negative, is a form narrative-hostage taking, while attempting to conduct moral blackmail... and this simple tactic has facilitated the imposition of feminist and intersectional ideology, into every academic field.
(first draft)

Raw file label: Voice 184 185 186 more SA politics

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