Kegel Krew Serial 1 Demo

2 years ago

Before Kegel H-D started stocking the Serial 1, the Krew gave them a spin. It was grey and dreary weekday and this eBike was a welcomed interruption to the standard work day.

Maidens of Merch, Motorcycle Sales Associates, Main Office Staff, and Mangers threw their leg over various models of the Serial 1, and were taken by surprise. As motorcycle enthusiasts, we didn't expect to be blown away by a bike that went 20 mph, but we were.

Throughout the afternoon, expressions of astonishment and admiration could be heard echoing throughout the dealership.

"That was fast!" - Katrina Kegel, General Manager

"I lost my hat." - Rachel Yarris, Assistant Marketing & Event Coordinator

"Look at her go!" - Chris Hoffman, Office Manager

"WHHAAAAAAHOOOO!" - Melissa Ruize, Maiden of Merch

"I'll take one of those." - Eric Hale, Technician

"Hills are easy" - Rachel Yarris, Assistant Marketing & Event Coordinator

"I can feel it goin'!" - Emily Burdick, Motorcycle Sales Associate

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