Ethan Book - Congressional Candidate 4th District To Challenge Incumbant Jim Himes

2 years ago

Ethan Book is a Conservative Candidate in the 4th Federal Congrssional District who hopes to make his way into the inner circles of the entrenched Republican stabllishment to gain support from the local delegates to challenge the Democrat incumbant Jim Himes.

Graduated Frederick High School in 1966 (with honors, playing varsity football and serving as student body president).

Studied pre-med courses for three years at Houghton College, Houghton, NY (1966-69; Dean’s List).

Graduated from Azusa Pacific College (later Azusa Pacific University), Azusa, CA in 1972 with degree in Business Administration and minor in Chemistry (with honors). During that time period, Ethan worked as a part-time science teacher at Fontana Christian Schools and he developed a small business of sales and installation of floor­ coverings.

Served successful term in U.S. Peace Corps in Bucaramanga, Colombia 1973-75, working as business consultant to small businesses and cooperatives, also coordinator in School Partnership Program for construction of two-room schoolhouse in Surata, Colombia.

Graduated from American Graduate School of International Management (renamed Thunderbird School of Global Management) in 1977 (with honors, serving as student body president).

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