The Pump and Dump Scams Are Getting Out of Control

3 years ago

In the past few months, the influencer pump and dump scams are getting out of control. Adin Ross admitted to pumping a scam alt coin called MILF token. Faze Clan, Ricegum, and Logan Paul have all been associated with pump and dump scam coins.

This needs to be talked about more as pump and dump scams are illegal in the stock market, but not illegal in the cryptocurrency markets since it's not regulated.


Sources: - "Crypto Scams Rug Pulls..."

0:00 - Intro
0:59 - Rugpulls
1:23 - First Influencer Scam
5:29 - Spotting a Pump & Dump
6:47 - Second Influencer Scam
8:40 - Token Sniffer
9:42 - How to Make Money From This
11:35 - Conclusion

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