A Conversation with Visionary Artist: Neil Hague

2 years ago

Neil Hague has had a long and impressive career as an artist and a writer. In this episode, I had the opportunity to speak to Neil about how he got started with his art, how he went from commercial and educational artistic pursuits and how he came to derive inspiration from esoteric and occult influences to create provocative and cryptic images that bring the unseen to the forefront.

You can find Neil on his website: https://www.neilhague.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neil_hague_art/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/neilhaguevideos/?spref=fb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drawnotwar
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilhagueartist/

Take private art classes with Neil: https://www.neilhague.com/index.php/workshops/

Art: https://www.neilhague.com/index.php/art/

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