13 NISAN 5782 April 14 2022

2 years ago

13 NISAN 5782
April 14 2022 (Maundy Thursday)

As I prepare my heart for Passover, my thoughts turn to my dear Lamb, Yeshua, and His great sacrifice. For tonight at Sundown, I will remember the night He washed His disciples’ feet, laying aside His divinity and became as a lowly servant. I will remember His anguish and grief as He realized this would be His last meal with His dearest friends. I will recall His words and His final prayer that spoke of unity between all His followers from the past and in the present. I will pray for my heart to see the Price, the Cross, the Suffering of His Passion. May it change, transform and renew my faith to serve Him and to serve others, especially in the Household of Faith.

Based on:

The Lamb (Revelation 5) by James Block


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