Yes! Socialism WAS the Problem: Refuting Good Politic Guy on Cuba

2 years ago

Yes, socialism was the problem of Cuba's economic crisis. As I addressed previously, the reason for why the Cuban people are mass protesting against the Cuban government is because they are sick and tired of the socialist regime. Good Politic Guy (a young boy) lives in an imaginary world and has no evidence to suggest the Cuban people are otherwise favourable to socialism.

As always, you find the projectionism finding the scapegoat and projecting the blame off elsewhere and like I've argued, it is why the United States should never have gotten involved and should lift the embargo, simply because all it has done is given these socialists a platform to use as excuses to cover up for the failure of socialism.

In this particular video you will hear his whataboutery and excuses, just as I had pointed out in the previous video on Cuba. If you wish check out the argument for why their crisis occurred you can check out the video here:

The young boy, Good Politic Guy is filled with wishful thinking, whilst he mentions about the minimum wage, I would love to see how he plans to finance an economy off the back of a massive bloated public sector with barely a private sector left. The fact he doesn't understand what that means, never let alone why Biden wouldn't impose the higher minimum wage straight after the lockdowns it illustrates the level of ignorance we're dealing with here. Socialists just don't get economics.

He also addresses the argument that Second Thought used on the wasted produce, as well as on the housing crisis, but I've addressed those arguments. You can watch my response on Second Thought where I covered this, as well as on the 2008 financial crisis where I touch upon the crisis relative to the housing below.

• 2008 financial crisis:

• Second Thought Response on Efficiency:

I have covered in many previous videos explaining about socialism and why it doesn't work, which is why I didn't go into that extensively, you can check out many of my other videos that cover this.

Good Politic Guy also bases the false assumption that we're somehow living under a capitalist system today, which simply is not the case in either Great Britain or the United States, we live under mixed economies, which to say it's a capitalist system is intellectually dishonest.

00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Shortages
01:02 - Cuban Protests
01:35 - Healthcare & Education
04:47 - Embargo Excuse
06:23 - Biden's Right: Socialism Doesn't Work
07:11 - Reason For the Embargo
08:17 - The Whataboutery
09:15 - NOT Capitalism
10:30 - Rent Costs Explanation
11:39 - Minimum Wage Argument
12:30 - Starvation Wages
14:00 - Blaming Capitalism Again
15:07 - Waste Argument
15:46 - Child Slavery Argument
16:29 - Paycheck to Paycheck
17:03 - The Arrogance
17:54 - True Face of Socialism

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