Back and Shoulder Training - 20220413

2 years ago

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – John F. Kennedy

Train early each day to get your creative juices primed and ready for action!

Today's Routine:

T Bar Row
Set 1 : 90x20
Set 2 : 90x20
Set 3 : 135x12
Set 4 : 135x12

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Set 1 : 120x15
Set 2 : 120x15
Set 3 : 120x15
Set 4 : 120x15

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Set 1 : 30x40
Set 2 : 40x30
Set 3 : 50x20
Set 4 : 60x10
Set 5 : 70x10

Barbell Front Raise
Set 1 : 70x12
Set 2 : 70x12
Set 3 : 70x12

Barbell Shoulder Press
Set 1 : 70x12
Set 2 : 70x12
Set 3 : 70x12

Machine Deltoid Raise
Set 1 : 75x15
Set 2 : 75x15
Set 3 : 75x15

Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Row
Set 1 : 147x15
Set 2 : 147x15
Set 3 : 147x15

Smith Machine Shrug (Single Arm)
Set 1 : 110x20
Set 2 : 110x20
Set 3 : 110x20
Set 4 : 110x20

God Wills It Shirt:

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