Plants vs Zombies 2 - Epic Quest - Seedium Plant Showcase - Dazey Chain - April 2022

2 years ago

This quest focuses on the Seedium plant Dazey Chain and was offered between April 13, 2022 and April 20, 2022.

Dazey Chain is a member of the Contain-Mint family.
Costs 150 Sun. (125 at level 5)
Dazey Chain starts with one (1) sprout which does 60 damage. (+15 per level.)
After twelve (12) seconds, Dazey Chain will grow another sprout - to a maximum of three (3).
Whenever Dazey Chain grows a sprout - or every twelve seconds after its 3rd - Dazey Chain will release a puff cloud which will stun all zombies in the lane for one (1) second + plus (1) second per sprout. (+1 additional second at level 2.)

00:00 Level 1 of 5
02:18 Level 2 of 5
04:30 Level 3 of 5
07:04 Level 4 of 5
09:25 Level 5 of 5

At first glance, Dazey Chain can appear to be an expensive Peashooter. Which it is when at one (1) sprout. Yet the ability to grow additional sprouts over time as well as the ability to stun an entire lane of zombies make up for the higher initial cost. If one plans around using this plant - with stalling plants like Stallia - one can see how this plant is worth while.

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