Antichrist Revealed: The TRUE Identity They Don't Want You To Know | The Man Behind the Mask 5/36

2 years ago

What is the little horn? And who is the Antichrist? Does the Bible say when the Antichrist will appear on Earth? In this episode, Walter Veith lets the Bible speak to show us who the Antichrist is. Modern-day deceptions regarding the little horn power, along with the doctrines of preterism and futurism, are contrasted with the plain teachings of the Bible. The twelve identifying features of the little horn power of Daniel 7, the signs of the Antichrist, point to the only entity that can qualify as Antichrist. Find out who it is!

Amazing Disovery Episode 5

Amazing Discoveries Total Onslaught Series Walter Veith

Total Onslaught
Presented by Walter Veith • 36 Episodes

Total Onslaught

Join Walter Veith as he takes you through an in-depth chapter by chapter study of the book of Revelation. Throughout the study, the total onslaught on Jesus Christ and the effects of this war on every individual living on this planet are clearly portrayed. The beauty of Christ's Kingdom and laws are contrasted with Satan's government and plans, and Satan's deceptions are clearly revealed. The ideas explored hit home because they are current, relevant, and applicable to the dangers and deceptions raging today on planet Earth. Excellent for sharing with friends and family, this series give outstanding behind-the-scenes information about current events. Watch the complete series and learn how to avoid the manipulative plans laid out by the enemy of souls.

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