The Horned Anole (Anolis Proboscis) Is Endemic To Ecuador. | Interesting Facts #Shorts #topchannel

2 years ago

A long outgrowth on the head, similar to the horn of a rhinoceros, the male uses to impress the attracted female.

This is a small lizard about 8-14 cm long. The paws, fingers and claws are adapted for crawling on tree branches and tall grass.

The mystery is still how the anole moves its “nose” in different directions, since there are no muscles or bones in the process. There is only one version on this score: the “horn” moves with an increase in blood flow.

It leads an incredibly secretive lifestyle, which is facilitated by effective disguise, excessive slowness of the animal and the nightly daily routine.

The view was discovered only in 1953. As a result of subsequent expeditions, not a single individual was found. A few years later, the species was declared extinct, but in 2005, in the Ecuadorian forest, biologists accidentally saw a lizard with a huge nose, slowly moving along a branch. After that, the reptile was seen 2 more times: in 2008 and 2013.

#Shorts #interestingfacts #topchannel

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