I Spent $1000 on GOOGLE ADS to Promote my YOUTUBE Channel

2 years ago

A video course on cryptocurrency for beginners from the former guru of Agora, which is now published independently: https://bit.ly/3JC5qLg
Youtube Channel Promotion Course: https://bit.ly/3qzXymS
A book on medicine, a home doctor: https://bit.ly/3ixv9th
My lots at the Auction Bag: https://meshok.net/info/1350796/lots
My lots at Auction Auction: https://bit.ly/3uyij4J
Transfer to a Yoomoney e-wallet: https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100116833860047
Send a donation to help and develop the channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/archi007
My blog on Boosty: https://boosty.to/arturchik7690/ref
Transfer to QIWI wallet (QIWI): qiwi.com/p/79964094814
My blog on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stalker007 ?fan_landing=true
My blog on Rutube: https://rutube.ru/channel/23800860/videos/
My Telegram channel: https://t.me/Archi5483
I'm in contact: https://vk.com/id636538218

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