Bathtub Reef Beach Stuart Florida loaded with 500 types of marine creatures including sea turtles.

2 years ago

Florida is full of amazing places and beaches. Bathtub is one of them. Bathtub Reef is located just offshore at Bathtub Beach Park in Stuart, Florida. Bathtub Beach is special, due in large part to this reef system, which is home to more than 500 marine creatures, including endangered sea turtles. This reef system is created by tiny tube-building Sabellariid sea worms and is not only incredibly unique, but also an extremely fragile one.

The worms cement sand grains together, creating a vast network of tube dwellings. Colonies build up over time and create a reef system that helps break waves in the summer months, creating a “bathtub effect.”

The worms are harmless to humans but create wonderful places for us to enjoy. A wonderful place to dive, snorkel and swim.

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