1260 Days Bible snack and song He Lives

3 years ago

I hope you are blessed by this Bible snack of the 1260 days of the vision of the fulfillment of these wonders. At the conclusion of this short study you and I can praise our Lord with the song "He Lives - I serve a risen Savior".
Here is the link to my short study called "1260 days 42 months 3 1/2 years": https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/123124/1260-days-42-months-time-times-and-a-half-of-time-png-384k?da=y
Here is the link to my share page at KeepandShare.com where I keep over 500 short studies on the last 7 years of this age: https://www.keepandshare.com/visit/visit_page.php?i=2617550
You can view and or download to use them any way that you would like.
Don't forget to like and subscribe so we can get more visibility on these last days teachings. God Bless

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