quit the keto diet after losing 40 pounds in a year

2 years ago


I enjoyed the keto diet, but I didn't want to follow it forever. Elizabeth Blasi/Rachel Hosie

I lost 40 pounds in a year on the keto diet, but then I wanted to quit.
To quit without gaining all of the weight back, I used "maintenance keto."

Maintenance keto is a period when you increase your carbohydrate count and decrease fat consumption.
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When I started the keto diet, I was the heaviest I'd ever been.
On strict keto, my carbohydrate count was at 20 to 30 grams a day (mostly from green vegetables). For the first month of maintenance keto, I increased my carbohydrate intake to 45 to 50 grams daily while decreasing my fat intake to make up the difference. I kept my protein intake and menu of food items the same.

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