WHAT MAKES ME UNIQUE – You Are Special To God – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

3 years ago

What makes me unique? Why am I important? Does God love me or just mankind? I want to know that I am special to God.
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Video Text:
What makes me unique? What do you believe makes you unique?

I watched some little boys play soccer at a birthday party, where the birthday boy simply HAD to win even if it meant cheating, pushing or tripping other kids. When the boys’ team lost, he burst into a fit of rage and inconsolable crying until he finally fled to his room.

This little boy believed he HAD to win, or he was a loser. He believed the lie that we are only as great as our accomplishments, and that is exactly what Satan wants us to believe. But why do we listen to how he defines greatness? After all, our enemy is certainly not great.

Who would ever go to a poor man to ask the secrets of becoming rich? And who do you know who is poorer or a bigger loser than Satan? Yet Satan loves to try to convince us, no matter what our age, “You’re a loser.”

Instead of listening to that loser, what if we asked questions and got answers from our amazing God! He’s the one who created giant galaxies and tiny molecules, and he’s the one who created you. His book is the best-selling book of all time and in it, he says, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart.” Jer1:5

You are set apart!

And just to prove it, did you know that your thumbprint is the only one like it out of 7 billion people alive today! Not only that, but your thumbprint is the only one like it in all of history. Even if you had an identical twin with the same DNA, your thumbprints would be different – just to demonstrate how you are set apart!

I heard a story about an old man who had a painting that had been hanging on his living room wall for as long as he could remember. He took it down to put it in his garage sale, and a neighbor who knew a lot about art told him it was a Claude Monet original! Can you imagine how that man felt when he discovered that he had an original, one-of-a-kind, and priceless work of art, painted by a great artist!

So who is a greater artist than our God who created, formed and sculpted you? More proof that you are priceless! Never a loser and always a winner! You are one-of-a-kind! An original. You are set apart! And loved! How do you see yourself? Perhaps today is a good day to reflect on our Maker and consider how he sees you!

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