Clearing the Air...Just for the Morons

2 years ago

MOre on the Ukraine situation. Clearing the air on our position...
Please p[ardon the language as the acusations kinda jerked my chain...

VATICAN CITY — As Pope Francis continued attempts to mediate the conflict in Ukraine, former Vatican envoy and outspoken papal critic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released a letter Monday (March 7) blaming "deep state" forces in the United States, the European Union and NATO for triggering the current war and demonizing Russia.

"The United States of America and the European States must not marginalize Russia but build an alliance with it, not only to restart trade for the prosperity of all, but in lieu of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which will be the only one able to save the world from the transhuman and medical-technical globalist monster," the archbishop wrote in his nearly 10,000 word letter.

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