Ronald Schweitzer Part 2: Low-carb vs control group report

3 years ago

Low Carb Down Under
Summer, 2021

Patient: 59 year-old, type 2 diabetes poorly controlled...
-2001 became pre-diabetic
-July2019 HbA1c 12.3

-began Metformin & low- carb diet

-Oct 2019 HbA1c 6.1
-Dec 2020 HbA1c 5.6 - 5.7

Dr Ron Schweitzer reports on his audit...
-comparing low-carb group with the control group
-participants had to have had 2 HbA1c tests
(at least 12 months apart)
-32 in low-carb; 33 in control group

1.2% difference in HbA1c is clinically important!

Most endocrinologists
are not enthusiastic
about low-carb eating...

"it may work for
6 or 12 months,
but not longer..."

Dr Schweitzer continued his audit for
a total of 2 years, so far.
Low carb group:
1.2% difference in lower HbA1c continued for 2 years
26% less anti-diabetic medications required

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