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John Schlitt Interview

2 years ago

0:00 - Intro and early musical influences
3:02 - Head East start and Never Been Any Reason
6:51 - Coming to faith and Petra introduction
10:56 - Petra future?
12:32 - "God deserves the best"
16:30 - The GO album
18:12 - Classic Rock innovators
21:20 - Time Keeps Rolling meaning
22:58 - GO album cover design
24:40 - The GO musicians
26:02 - Life on the road?
27:58 - "Caiaphas" in the Neal Morse, Jesus Christ the Exorcist
29:32 - How do you keep your high level voice?
32:30 - Union of Sinners and Saints and upcoming tour
35:14 - Jay Sekulow Band
37:34 - John's wood working skills
39:50 - John's BLD-IT non profit
43:40 - The GO album tour plans
45:12 - The Jay Sekulow Band live performance and support

John Schlitt was kind enough to sit down with me on the Vinelife Podcast recently. We discussed his longand storied history as a successful rock musician. We discussed everything from his Petra days to his new album, "GO." We also talked about his upcoming tour with his band, "The Union of Sinners and Saints." Thank you, John, for being so humble and gracious in your time!

Buy GO Album and Merch: https://johnschlitt.bandcamp.com/
BLD-IT Non Profit: (Link Coming Soon!)
Website: https://www.johnwschlitt.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnwschlitt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/johnwschlitt
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnwschlittofficial
The Union of Sinners and Saints: https://www.theunionofsinnersandsaints.com/
Petra Official: https://www.petraband.com/

#johnschlitt #jaysekulow #petra


  • 0/2000
  • I saw John on the first Australian Tour he spoke of and his voice was phenomenal!

  • I met John Schlitt back stage at a Petra Concert back in Binghamton , NY. 32 yrs. later... John Schlitt and Petra is STILL a very active and positive...SPIRIT LEAD..... influence on my life! And I currently pass Petra's legacy and message onto my son, Brendon! He's 14 now..... and he ABSOLUTELY IS BLOWN AWAY!! God Bless ya'll!