There Is Only One Viable Reason to Vote for Democrats Locally and Even That Reason Is Ludicrous

2 years ago

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I often rail against Democrats and RINOs vying for spots in Washington DC. I want RINOs voted out in primaries and I want Democrats voted out in the general election. But with as much emphasis as I put on nationwide elections, I am far more convinced that at the local level, voting Republican should be a no-brainer for everyone except for a single group.

Even Democrats should be able to recognize that Republican mayors, city councils, governors, and state legislators do better for the city and state than Democrats. This is demonstrable and unambiguous. We saw twice today from a criminal perspective in New York how bad things can get in Democrat hellholes. Between the terrorist attack and the Lt. Governor getting arrested, we can see the reign of destruction Democrats unleash when they're in charge of cities and states.

On today's episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I explained why this is the case. More importantly I dove into the one group that might have a viable reason to vote Democrat: Those who believe in LGBTQIA+ supremacy. Notice that I didn't say "equality" because there are already equal rights for members of the LGBTQIA+ community in Republican-controlled cities and states. Supremacy is the goal of many on the radical left, and that can only happen in Democrat majorities.

From crime to education to taxes to social programs (YES, social programs), Republicans far outperform their Democrat counterparts in making their cities and states better. Covid-19 is one of the most clear-cut examples of this as Republican states have rebounded their economies faster and kept their death rates from the coronavirus lower despite having fewer restrictions placed on the people.

Democrat lawmakers in general sell a dream that has no basis in reality. This is why they're able to con so many in large cities and progressive states. But just as they promise to be better for poor and minority communities, the actual results are far worse than when Republicans are in charge. As for crime, Democrats rarely even claim to be tough on crime anymore and when they do, they're proven very wrong. New York City is a prime example.

I am not a Republican. I am an independent conservative. But in today's world I could not imagine voting for a Democrat at any level, especially in local elections. If you're a Democrat and you want to support Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, so be it. I can argue with you but we can still be friends. But if you still think Democrats do better at the local and state level, you're just an idiot. Wake up and look at reality.

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