Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Sixteen

2 years ago

The 14th day of Abib (Passover), continued.
Jesus' Crucifixion, Death, and Burial

February 27, 2022

Note: Click the links below for downloadable PDF files for you to read along.

Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:

Scriptures for reading:


* We are continuing now with the aftermath of Jesus' trial, which happened on the 14th day of the first month, the day of Passover.

* Passover was a holy day, but it was not a Sabbath. The following day, however, the 15th of the month, was a Sabbath day.

* It will help you keep the time line straight if you keep the following in mind:

(1) The Old Testament Sabbath day was Saturday.
(2) Passover, the 14th of the first month, when Jesus was crucified, came on a Wednesday.
(3) The 15th, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, was a sabbath, even though it was on a Thursday.
(4) In the law, there were seven Sabbath days that were not weekly Sabbath days, and they could fall on any day of the week. That would change year by year.
(5) So, in the gospels, we have Jesus crucified on Wednesday, a Sabbath day on Thursday, a regular day on Friday, and the weekly Sabbath on Saturday.
(6) Those are the three days and nights that Jesus said he would be in the heart of the earth.
(7) Then we have Sunday, when the tomb was found open.
(8) In our reading today, it is still fairly early on Wednesday morning, the 14th.

* Crucifixion entailed three parts: the procession, the crucifixion, and the death.

* Crucifixion was a public spectacle.

* Death by crucifixion was a most horrific death. The point was not simply to kill, but to make the victims suffer so terribly in public that others would fear to commit the crimes they had committed.

* The "joy set before him" (Heb. 12:2) was you; it was his hope that you would believe and come to live with him in the presence of his Father, in peace forever.

* Death is an enemy, Paul said, but it is the way out of all the trouble of this life, and in Christ, it is a sweet hope.

* There is no way that anyone an love the truth in this life and escape being hatted and abused.

* God's righteousness has never been popular with this world, and never will be.

* God gave Jesus the choice: he could surrender his life for our sakes, or he could call out to God, and angels would have come and delivered him from the cross by God. That is, in the main, what Jesus meant by saying, "Nobody takes it from me; I lay it down on my own."

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