2 Movies name Rigged, 1 is fake

2 years ago

Topic one
New programming on KINV-DB Innervision FM started this week!
Children stories seven days a week, 11:00am to noon, artists interviews noon to 1:00pm, Friday line up Alfonso Clone show, 3:00pm to 5:00pm and Randall Holy Worship 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
I didn’t forget about our Morning show 8:00am to 10:00am send in your request at info@innervisionfm.com, also businesses and the public can donate, or sponsor our radio station! PayPal.me/InnervisionDENVER
Topic two
Rigged2020.com Google will not bring to the top of search, but the half-truths of the Democrat version that never mention that the Jim Crow and KKK was started by Democrats, and they was and still is the first one to start voter oppression. It was the Democrats that after ten years of Republican reconstruction of the Black community and the promises of 40 acres and a mule, they were the one to stop Black Republicans and others from voting and having real freedom!
Mark Zuckerberg is a cheat and a two-face liar using his money to put in the Branden regime!
Topic three
This was my first time at a Republican state Caucus event, like I was fooled to vote for Obama, I was almost fooled about voting for a guy nominated from the floor for District attorney, he throughout Randy Corporon talk show host 710 AM name, so I thought he was on the right side, than to find out as I was listening to 710 AM KNUS this morning he wasn't even a Republican and his paper work wasn't right to even be nominated and put on the November Ballot!
Democrats are particularly good at telling half-truths, like they have a movie called Rigged and the Republican has a movie out called rigged2020.com, but the first one that pops up is the half truth produce by Democrats! I also thought as a DJ and owner of KINV-DB Innervision FM the music at the Caucus was country; I like country music, but I also like R&B old school, rock songs like the Who, “We wont be fool again,” witch I thought should have been played! They did play “Not going to take it anymore!”
I really enjoy being a part of this and want to know if I was the only blind person there?
Topic four
YouTube has giving us a strike as I aired last Tuesday event here in Denver at the Capital where Mike Lindell owner of My Pillow and Tina Peters who is running for Colorado State Treasurer.

Join Johnnie J. and Allen C. at 6:00pm
We need volunteers!

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