Building a Healthy Church: Intro to Titus, pt2 1:1-4

2 years ago

Last week, we began a study through Titus. We looked at Paul’s description of himself and of Titus. This week we will jump into the message of Paul’s lengthy greeting and, by extension, of the letter as a whole.
This letter is all about building a healthy church. Titus was tasked with organizing and discipling this very young church that was just coming out of a very wicked culture.
Let’s do a quick review of what we covered last week from verses 1 and 4, then we will jump into the middle verses of the text to explore Paul’s message.
Let’s get started!
Building a Healthy Church: Intro to Titus
1. The Writer v1a
 Paul is owned by God
 Paul was sent by Jesus Christ
2. The Recipient v4-5
 Titus was a true believer
 Titus received God’s grace and peace
 Titus was a Gospel minister
Part of God’s grace to Titus was giving him a job to do, a participation in Gospel ministry. Titus was graced with a part to play in leading lost people to Christ and training saved people to be more like Christ.
Again, these truths about Titus also apply to 21st century believers. If you’ve called on Jesus for forgiveness of sin, you’ve experienced God’s grace, you’ve received peace with God, and you’ve been given a part to play (participation) in furthering God’s kingdom.
Now we transition into the message of this greeting. In these 2.5 verses, Paul lays out three profound truths about saving faith.

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