Episode 21: Ask, Listen, Go – How God Reveals His Heart in Prayer; Part 1

2 years ago

How can most effectively pray about the current events happening in our world? Years ago the Lord gave me a beautiful dream from the book of Esther that initiated an incredible journey into a life of intercession.

In today’s episode of Tuesdays with Tina I will share that story along with examples of Biblical prayer and intercession that moves the heart of God to action. I pray that the mantle of authority in prayer would be passed on to you as you listen to today’s message and that you would be mobilized to pray from God’s own heart.

*** Watch the full episode along with today's worship lyrics and links to other videos I reference in today's teaching by visiting my website: https://thehealingoil.com/ep-21-ask-listen-go-part-1/ ***

#worship #prayer #intercession

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