They Want You Pro Or Anti Something

2 years ago

💥 FREE VIDEO TRAINING: How To Raise Your Vibrations In 2 Weeks, And Enhance your Energy -

👉 We know now, that they want division. They want you to pick a side and FEEL separated from everyone else. Left wing, right. Anti this, anti that. Pro this, whatever. Their goal: separation, yet unity through control. Their FEARS: unity that can’t be controlled. Ask yourself, if I support or oppose something, what does that RESULT in? Agendas moving forward? Justification of something I DON’T agree with?

They want you to pick a side and stick by it religiously. They want you to defend their arguments FOR them. They want this so that they can consolidate power at the top, and impose their agendas, mandates, restrictions and laws ON you. They can’t do that if we’re all united, and all critically thinking about what we truly want.

💥 Learn How To Raise Your Vibrations In 2 Weeks, And Enhance your Energy - (Very important if you're new or want to change your reality).

Human Awakening is a channel where I'll be sharing experiences, opinions and ideas relating to human consciousness awakening. Humanity is going through an awakening and there are some very interesting dynamics at play here.

Disclaimer: Anything said here on this channel, is intended as opinion and for entertainment purposes only. Any content, ideas, articles, videos and information I comment on or share is intended under fair use act to be a commentary, with no copyright infringement intended.

#HumanAwakening #Ascension #Soul

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