RDI - is funded by Regional Center even though they never produced peer review research articles

2 years ago

Gary: In your testimony, you mention that RDI is Evidence Based Practice.
Kim Gains-Williams: "I listed it as emergency" - when she rehearsed her answer before the hearing, that what the word that rhymed with... wait... The word should be -

Emerging - That was the word she was practicing...
OAH "Judge" - What is emerging?
Kim: Relationship Development nonsense...
**Question was: What is emerging?
Answer should be: New, or just being born.
(Listen to their answers and how they speak - they have the nerve to call autistic non verbal kids ID...)

Judge pretend she didn't know what is RDI
While obnoxious typing RDI -Relationship ...

Gary: How many years has the regional center funded RDI?
Kim: Since 2011 (not emerging - not new)
Gary: Back then (2011) how many research studies were done on RDI? Do you Recall?
Kim: I don't know (She is working at regional center 30+ years)
Gary: Would it surprised you if I say Zero peer review research articles?
Kim: pretend or real stupid: Back at that time? 2011?
Depends on what you're calling research (What?)
Gary: Regional Center Definition of research.
Kim:By the authors of RDI
Gary: Is regional Center funded by Regional center?
Kim: yes
Gary: How many research papers has been published by RDI since 2011 (No longer emerging - new ...)
Kim: Ah...
Ron House-Attorney for Regional Center: If you know
Kim: They're on the website...
Gary: Do you know if any of those were peer reviewed ?
Kim: I don't know much about (She doesn't know much about anything, nothing, zero, nada, zilch)
Gary: You don't know anything about RDI peer reviewed articles, but you would be the one who's was involved in making a decision to actually pay for RDI given it's "Autism Treatment"?
Kim: Correct - Unethical, unprofessional, Disgusting, Criminal, Arrogant answer and fast as what are you going to do about it.
Gary: But yet you're not aware of any evidence or peer review article for RDI..

How do you fight regional center mafia with this disgusting level of corruption?

Brainless Kim is lucky to have RC mafia protection - she can say and do what ever she wants...

Kimberly (Kim) Anne Gaines-Williams, PhD. 18 years @ Regional Center (RC) is in charge of Autism Contracts and Vendors. She supports and Favors ABA Therapy for Autistic children. Even though She was provided Peer-Reviewed Research, Evidence-Based Research, DOD reports, etc. this not-so-smart female, who claims to be a psychologist, supports such a horrific “Therapy” that is abusive.

1. NEVER EVER believe anything you read from any of OAH “Judge” Hearing decisions. You think it’s a real court with real judges but you don’t know that it is NOT. It’s an administrative court, lower than even the lowest trial court.
2. OAH, only provides the public with the written “decision” of the OAH “Judge” so you will miss all the important details and the TRUTH of what really happened.
3. The outcome is Pre-Determined with a decision and Conclusion ready to go
4. Regional Center is in bed with OAH and DDS

Like most people at the Regional Center, Kimberly has no qualifications to be deemed as an “autism expert” and her role as coordinator of autism services and clinical practitioner is extremely troubling. She has not demonstrated an interest in the well-being and future of children with autism, as evidenced by her incorrect assumptions regarding the diagnosis of autism, her inability to remain current with peer-reviewed research, and her inability to understand the consequences of her interventions on children with autism.

Kimberly could not even answer basic questions during questioning, lacking the intelligence and ability to support the practice of ABA. She contradicts her own statements, every time.

After the UnFair hearing at the Regional Center against ABA and OAH “Judge”, Regional Center retaliated against our family using many dirty tactics while using taxpayer money to abuse their power. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

FYI, There is a big push to conserve #Autistic children (high Functioning as well) and other special needs kids. The government, DDS, and the horrible Regional Center are involved. Big money, Bought many houses, (Check out Home of Guiding Hands - which gets all their clients from Regional Center), Only Provide ABA abusive "therapy" and drugged these kids with psychiatric prescription meds. Watch out parents, it's happening in every state.
Most Parents and people have "It will never happen to me or my child syndrome". Wake Up! It could be your loved one…..
Silence breeds more victims! Speaking out emboldens other victims to come forward. Wake up.

A Kangaroo court is a Mock Court where the outcome is a Pre-Determined Conclusion. They have their own (that they own) “Judges”, (They pay their own judges from taxpayer money) who pretend to be unbiased, pretend to listen, and just go through the “Motions”.

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

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