Emails - Regional Center’s Policy is to “ DELETE “ Emails after 6 months - Ron House RC Attorney

2 years ago

Ron House - Regional Center Attorney Claim under oat that : "Regional Center’s Policy is to “ DELETE “ Emails after 6 months”. Completely illegal, unethical and a big fat lie!

Gary-Ethan’s dad- asked Ron, how come this email from March 2018 was given to me. It’s because RC needed it for their agenda.

This is what Ron House-Regional Center attorney Since 1965 (He is 84 years old) Claims that this is how they work and what they “do”. And guess what, He got away with that as well. He always does. That’s what happens when you are in bed with DDS and OAH.

The OAH “Judge” that conspired with Regional Center just said OK and kept going as if nothing happened. RC can say whatever they want, nothing will happen to them anyway, they are not accountable to anyone and worse, the money doesn’t come out of their pocket, they are using our tax payers money to fight us, the families who need the help. There are no checks and balances.

This is how they take advantage of people in court. They use taxpayer money to fight you, it doesn’t come out from their pocket so they have no responsibility or care. They use surprise tactics like this one, where SDRC attorney Ron House presented many new emails he claimed to have “just gotten this morning,” along with emails that were allegedly deleted because they don’t keep emails more than 6 months, unless someone conveniently drags and saves an email.

So why I’m telling you all that ? beside the fact that we all know this is illegal, unethical and a 100% big fat Lie, they are doing it all over again.
I asked for Ethan’s complete file (because we’re going to have another UnFair hearing in few weeks) what I received was a selected in complete file all over again.

I emailed them again telling them that Despite numerous requests, SDRC has not provided me with a full and honest list of Ethan's file. They have not provided a plethora of emails, edit logs, and more - there are also discrepancies in the file between what was provided at our last hearing in 2019 and what was provided in the file this time.

These are the People who are currently fighting Ethan:
Suzy Requarth, Ron House, Gohar Gyurjyan (license # 20701), Mark Klaus, Neil Kramer, Necol Shabazz , Sarah Taylor-Ramos, Kate Kinnamont - All of these creatures are benefiting financially from our family and especially Ethan.

Ron House – Regional Center Attorney since 1865, His Life Long Passion is to FIGHT and SCREW over families, Autistic Children and other special needs. Same goes to whomever work for OAH and DDS and the people who work for any Regional Center.
Not all of them, but most of them.

Time to clean the swamp and make sure #autistic children live with Dignity, Happy and Free like any other Human Being. Basic Human Rights.

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