Dr. Javad Hashmi and Robert Spencer | DEBATE REVIEW | Is Islam more violent than Christianity?

2 years ago

#spencer #islam #christianity

00:00 Introduction
3:42 Turn to the Scripture
6:57 References from the Bible regarding war
8:51 Old Testament vs. New Testament
11:57 Quran's teachings of peace
14:37 5 principles of peace in Quran
15:27 No Just War in the Bible
17:52 Spencer's weak response
20:45 Hashmi's strong rebuttal
25:35 Open Discussion


From the beginning, it is clear that Dr. Javad Hashmi had the upper hand in this debate. He quoted the Quran quite frequently and was very eloquent and articulate about the points he raised.

He divided the subject into 3 sub-topics:

1. Scripture
2. History
3. Present-day (theory & practice)

Regarding scripture, he referred to the "Just War Theory" which also has 3 components:

1. Just Cause
2. Just Conduct
3. Just Peace

Regarding just cause, he mentioned that the Bible sanctions wars of conquest and does not provide an adequate rationale for waging wars

Regarding just conduct, the Bible does not limit warfare to combatants and instead orders the believers to destroy the enemy utterly, including women and children.

Regarding just peace, there is not clear instruction to return to peace if the enemy stops fighting.

The Quran, on the other hand has just cause, just conduct and just peace.

References from the Bible to support the above points are as follows:

Numbers 31:7-10, 14, 15, 17, 18
Deuteronomy 3:3
Judges 17:27, 28, 29 ["suicide bomber prophet"]
2 Samuel 8:1-2 [killing babies]

Old Testament vs. New Testament

Christians cannot claim that the New Testament has abrogated the teachings of the Old Testament, because the New Testament itself endorses this. See Revelation 19:11-15 where the same is going to happen when Jesus returns.

Secondly, Jesus himself said he came to fulfill. See Matthew 5:17

Thirdly, Jesus is part of the 'Godhead' according to Christians and was the one who gave the commandments in the Old Testament.

Fourthly, if Spencer argues that the commandments for war are for "particular people only," he should consider the following references which are universal and do not make that specification:

Deuteronomy 20:10-20
1 Samuel 15:3
Exodus 17:16

Comparison of the Bible and the Quran

When it comes to the Quran, there are many references that show that war is defensive, justified, has just conduct, and encourages peace as soon as possible. There are many references that prove this, as follows:

2:256 - No compulsion in religion
88:21-22 - Prophet Muhammad (sa) only came as a warner
10:99-100 - "will you compel them?"
109:6 - For you your religion; for me, my religion
23:39-40 - permission to fight is given under specific conditions
2:191-192 - if they cease fighting, you should cease too
8:19 - cease fighting
8:38 - cease fighting
8:61 - if they incline towards peace, you should also incline towards it

5 principles of peace in the Quran

1. Sanctity of life
2. Non-aggression
3. Proportionality (qisas)
4. Peace
5. Truce of God (no fighting in sacred months)

The Golden Rule

"I'll agree to interpret your scripture the way I want you to read mine"

History of Christian violence

1. Christian priests prayed for Roman success in battle in the early days
2. Theodosius (early Christian emperor) persecuted pagans
3. Charlemagne conducted conquests
4. Attacks on Northern Europe in the early centuries
5. Crusades
6. Medieval wars
7. Spanish inquisition
8. Conquest of North/South America - genocide of indigenous populations

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