The Stew Peters Show - April 11, 2022 - Watch The Water (Dr. Bryan Ardis)

2 years ago

The Stew Peters Show - April 11, 2022 - Watch The Water (Dr. Bryan Ardis)

One of the guests we’ve spoken with is Dr. Bryan Ardis. Dr. Ardis came onto our radar because of the pattern we saw play out over and over again: Someone checks into the hospital with a Covid case, their condition rapidly deteriorates, they get put on a ventilator, and then they die. We wanted to know why that kept happening. Was it really just how Covid-19 worked, or was something wrong with our treatment protocol? And if the protocol was wrong, was it accidentally wrong, or intentionally wrong?

Dr. Ardis was asking the same thing. In early Feb 2020, Dr Ardis’s father in law was killed in 9 days by horrific drug protocols for a diagnosis of the flu. Within a couple weeks, the first cases of COVID hit Texas. In the 3 months of grieving and frustration that followed the death of his father in law Weldon, Dr. Ardis discovered the alarming research studies on the failed and toxic drug called Remdesivir that Anthony Fauci professed to have been proven “safe an effective” against the Ebola Virus and Covid-19. Only to discover that Remdesivir was even more toxic and dangerous than the toxic antibiotic vancomycin used to destroy the kidneys of his father in law. We had him on this show to talk about the drug remdesivir, – about how this drug that completely failed at treating Ebola, that causes kidney failure, that costs a boatload of money, and that has a direct link to Tony Fauci – how that drug became the drug of choice in the Covid hospital protocol.

It was a great discussion. But Dr. Ardis wasn’t done. He’s continued to look for the full truth about Covid. And just a few weeks ago, he called me. He said “I need to meet with you, in person.” We’d never met in person before, but he said it was urgent, and he didn’t want to send the information he had electronically. He said the information related to the origins of Covid-19: Where it came from, what it really is, and who is really responsible for it. He said that with the information he had, everything about Covid would come together: how they track it, how the CDC predicts “hotspots,” how people fall ill and die from it.

Original Link:


Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent and be baptized


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