Welcome to woke crybaby leftist U.S.S.R.A.

2 years ago

America is dead and not the America I lived in, school in the late 90 and 2000 was different, no cellphones, you used pen and paper, you learned stuff, no one cried racist, no gays around then, everyone had fun and you played outside with bikes and ate lunch ables and schools now are taught by woke gay trans rainbow clowns that cry all the time, you can't say anything at all it is hate speech but black thugs can go and loot all the time and it is ok, churches are so woke and dead that they are a circus now!! Step right up and hear how you will not get offended we don't use the Bible here because it offends us, America is dead and no longer America and the so called hate speech is over!! Quora, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter all censored anyone who has a brain and you get banned for nothing!! The Holocaust is not hate speech!! America is so woke now you dare not say anything at all or it is racist!!!! Hate speech!!! Waaaa!!! Even if you do not have a vaccine you get treated like you are dangerous by the vaccine Nazis and act like you are poison!!! America has removed God and full of demons now and will be crushed and oh I don't support Ukraine!!! But that is hate speech to!!!

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