2 years ago

Blanket spells being used over intercessors to play on their unhealed areas or to make them TIRED of waiting on God. Tired of the process of faith which is why you MUST learn to strike down all fiery arrows against your faith, trust, confidence, belief as God begins to have some of you step into your promise land blessings.

Curt Landy – 4 people groups- only 1 going into the heart of God which tells me that God is readying a group of leaders to get ready for revival- and for those hearts who will enter (hopefully) at a later date. So all is not lost, it just might not be your season YET.

Ron Horner- stated yesterday with the new move of God that there will always be people who will NOT listen nor want t hear the new levels of truth (no matter what) so you just have to keep moving and leave them there on that side of the mountain (UNTIL/UNLESS) they get tired of life being stagnant. OR until they decide they want to listen to God. So for you Front Runners carrying that move (KEEP MOVING) towards those hearts that DO want to listen.

Also- I need everyone to listen to what I’m saying: I could spend all day trying to explain how to come into the heart of God. But without deliverance you WILL NOT ENTER in. So deliverance is HIGHLY KEY in this hour if we are to progress into Love.

God is using it to clean up our courts, gates, walls of truth and if this offends you then that tells me your walls of truth have been torn down in your outer/inner courts- which is why ANY spirit can flow through your vessel to teach you. Because your courts are wide open to receive from ANY spirit (godly or not). So your not able to discern the truth OF GOD UNTIL He rebuilds your walls, and resets your gates (outer/inner courts).

Bishop. Mark Chrionna: is now saying how MUCH the church has digressed AWAY from Gods heart of love. So the church is in a TRUE quagmire. And if we want our authority back – we MUST DO THIS GODS WAY- because Gods not changing any time soon!

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