Dakota Motor Co. 📼 Into the Son - Full 1993 VHS. Grey Clouds, Wind An Sea, and Sondancer music vids

3 years ago

Dakoda Motor Co. rides a wave of fun, pop, California surf sound with straight-ahead lyrics, classic vocal harmonies and heavy guitar rhythms and grooves. Group member Peter King is an international surfing champion. Lead singer Davia has a disarming smile and a captivating voice. Her shimmering, memorable vocals are the perfect accompaniment to Peter's confident guitars and the powerhouse rhythm section of Chuck and Dave.

Featuring Three Hit Music Videos:
1. Grey Clouds (0:11)
2. Wind 'An Sea (4:16)
3. Sondancer (7:21)

Content owned by Curb Records on behalf of: Word Records. Though this channel is not a part of the YouTube Partner Program (ie: paid through plays), content remains playable under standard YouTube License (Ad revenue paid directly to copyright owner).

Digitized and archived in 2020-2021 by Scene and Unseen Archiving.

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