Hermetic Magick And Plant Medicine Retreats in Misahualli Ecuador!!!

2 years ago

It's happening! Syncretic Spiritual Systems workhops and apprenticeship programs in the Ecuadorian Amazon most beautiful paradise, Puerto Misahualli. Supplemented by jungle forays to see incredible waterfalls, caverns, abundant wildlife including several species of monkey, giant blue morpho butterflies, the beautiful gentle-giant lagoon fish called paiche (over 2 meters), caiman, anaconda, and many more (even the occasional jaguar), we are offering an amazing array of opportunites and programs. The focus will be on learning techniques for catalyzing (R)evolution in your consciousness and healing journey by combining the ancient knowledge and techniques of various traditions from around the world, with a focus on Hermetic ritual magic and shamanism, supported by a deep knowledge of the psychology and neuroscience of entheogenic transformation.
Choose from Hermetic ritual magic classes, plant medicine workshops (ayahuasca, san pedro, spirit molecule, and other) and ceremonies with IllumiGnostic and/or several local Kichwa shaman y shamana, and learn to identify edible and medicinal plants (una de gato, chuchuasa, guayusa, Dr. santi, cascarilla, ayahuasca, choliponga, and many more, amiru in the jungle and at two indigenous-run ethnobotanical gardens in nearby Puyo, take a trip by boat or land to remote Waorani villiages, or adventure by boat 4 hrs to Coca to see giant anacondas on the river. Our menu will feature meals made entirely from the jungle; palm fruit and nut, palm heart and young shoots, fern frond, wild banana, the giant chontacuro grub, and many more, along with fish from the local Napo river, including the prehistoric armored carachama, prized by local shaman. The retreat will support local indigenous programs and conservation efforts, such as https://www.bosquemedicinal.com/ and https://www.iwgia.org/en/, and bring much needed relief to underserved people in the local area.
Join me in this livetream for an AMA and more detail. Aho!!!

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