Community Shock Test #4: The Police

2 years ago


Two fully uniformed cops walked right past me, exiting the grocery store, as I was wearing a big black and yellow hammer on my right hip.

They either did not notice or did not care.

BUT......they must have been pissed off at me for recording them, because as I was walking home, the driver honked his airhorn at me, and flipped me the middle finger.

But again, they did not notice or care about the hammer!!!

This proves that if there is ever a police crackdown on Tooljitsu in Western Canada, it was ordered by federal politicians who resent the fact that I won't ever let my people be demoralized by oppressive firearm bans.

SIDE NOTE: I'm not going to file a complaint against these constables. I did dumb things like that too when I was a young cop.

Super Troopers (the movie) affected us all.

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