Manifesting Desires Even Years After The Initial Desire

2 years ago

6/28/21 - So I wanted to share with all of you this amazing experience that just happened to me. It proves to me that you can manifest your desires. Sometimes it just takes longer than you might initially want, and even sometimes when you least expect it and have "given up hope' that it will arrive, the Universe surprises you and delivers it. It also showed me a lesson in patience and being able to let go out the outcome of the desire by relinquishing your control of how you want it to manifest into your life, so that the Universe can bring it to you in divine timing, that is, if it is still in alignment with your highest and best good where you are at in the present moment. I always love seeing how the Universe works with your own manifestation powers to bring about your dreams as a way of saying "Hey, I got your back, just let go of how you think it will come and let me do all the work, sit back and relax, I got this with your permission."

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