If you think Trump won the 2020 election, consider this...

2 years ago

The exponential increase in mass violence, suicides and chronic illness is caused by the bioeffects of non lethal weapons. The army document of the same name produced in 1998 describes in detail how radar systems can track large numbers of people and direct radio frequencies harmful to human health at a specific individual or an entire city. This means that the thousands of radar equipped foreign and corporate owned satellites that orbit over the U.S. everyday can influence behavior and compromise the health of anyone in the country. The army's testing was able to elicit changes in motivation, attention, memory, aggression and ingestion (page 8). Bioeffects of non lethal weapons was declassified in 2006 and quietly released to the public. This means that the Pentagon knew in 1998 and congress knew, or should have known by 2006 of this serious national security threat but never brought this info to the attention of the American people or made any verifiable efforts to protect us.

My name is Errol Andrew Stanley, I experienced medical events consistent with Havana syndrome before it was publicly announced in 2017. My symptoms have become more severe recently as I take a more active role in educating and protecting people. I had my yearly physical exam recently, my blood work is perfect, I do not take any medications, I do not drink, smoke or use drugs. My doctors have given me every test they have to try to explain the sudden yet intermittent tinnitus, palpitations, fatigue, brain fog, headaches and burning hot sensations near the temporal lobes. The tests included but are not limited to MRI, Ct scan, stress test, hearing test, neurological tests, and full blood work etc. I am healthier on paper than most my age and remain as productive as possible despite these experiences. Now that all other explanations have been investigated and eliminated, Havana syndrome is a the most likely explanation for my experiences.

The source of Havana syndrome is confirmed to be radio frequencies in the microwave range, the delivery method is satellite radar systems. What the security industry is not telling the general public is that this has been widespread for 25+ years and that every American has had at least one covert Havana syndrome experience in their life. According to the U.S. Army, various frequencies, pulse rates and wattage can mimic natural health events like headache, body ache, fever, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Those same frequencies can elicit changes in behavior and performance by affecting memory, attention, energy, aggression and ingestion in "people that are not aware of the technology", see page 8 of bioeffects of selected non lethal weapons.

Dr. Marc Siegel explains how nefarious radio frequencies affect human health and behavior

60 minutes most recent Havana syndrome reporting. They are leaving out most and lying about some:

Radar systems use the same frequency as a microwave oven so any radar system can be used as a microwave weapon. There are thousands of radar equipped satellites over the United States everyday, foreign, private and domestic. Check out the satellite map at:

“It’s sort of naive to think this just started now,” He (Zaid) said. Globally, he added, covert strikes with the potent beams appear to have been going on for decades.


Use binaural beats to protect yourself from microwave weapons and heal your brain: https://antitinnitusv2k.com/

Learn more about the Frey Effect, the life you save may be your own:


Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’

How radar gathers your biometrics:


60 minutes first interview with Havana syndrome victims

60 minutes most recent Havana syndrome reporting



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If you disagree with the references I have quoted, feel free to educate yourself on the subject and offer an alternative explanation for the exponential increase in anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue, suicides and mass violence over the past 25 years.

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