"Terror of the Space Threat" | Fox Quinn: Spaceplorer Hero

2 years ago

Now presenting "FOX QUINN: SPACEPLORER HERO", the new radio drama featuring the daring adventurer Fox Quinn as he explores the reaches of undiscovered space. In this week's episode, Fox tries to discover what happened to the mysteriously missing colonists of the space station New New Mexico...

Written by Micah Schmitz (Instagram: @schmitzmiach)

Starring the voice talents of:
Mitchell Hargis (Instagram: @YoungEphraim)
Jonah Schmitz (Instagtam: @schmitzjonah)
Maddison Montgomery (Instagram: @matty.bites)
Micah Schmitz

Audio: Robert Gabbitas (Instagram: @bobgabbitas)
Video: Micah Schmitz

Socials: http://drum.io/idiosyncrasy
Website: http://www.idiosyncrasy-media.com

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