Music to calm down the dog really works.

2 years ago

Music to calm down the dog really works.
You may not realize it, but your pet loves to listen to music just as much as you do. Music for dogs works super well, since the songs don't have any bad effects on the animals. Especially for sad, agitated, nervous or anxious little dogs, dog music can be a relief and act as a natural calming agent for them. A study published by the journal Physiology and Behavior compared the heart rate of a group of dogs in quiet moments and exposed to classical music. The result was a decreased heart rate in the periods when they were listening to music. In addition, when putting on the dog music, the animals spent more time sitting and calm than in the moments without the sound. This shows how well music for calming puppies works! The benefits of music for dogs are numerous: Improves the pet's mood, leaving it more relaxed, decreases stress, because the heart rate decreases, relieves the homesickness of the guardian, especially if he is a long time alone at home, reduces levels of anxiety and agitation, especially in dogs naturally hyperactive and agitated, helps in fearful situations, such as fireworks or storm, helps to sleep better and more peaceful, because it is more relaxed.
Although very beneficial, music for dogs should be carefully controlled. The ideal is that it is classical music, suitable for meditation or relaxation, so as not to make the dog even more agitated.
But be aware of the volume of the music for the dog. The sound should be very low, because although it seems almost inaudible to us, the canine hearing is powerful and the dog listening to music can pick up from the lowest noises (which are around 16 and 20 Hz) to much higher volumes (reaching from 70,000 to 100,000 Hz), while humans can only hear up to about 20,000 Hz. So don't put your dog's music on the latest volume, okay?

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